
The kind of stuff you’d see in a children’s book, or on a cartoon. Basically these are fully finished pictures.

Character Design

Need a custom character? Maybe a new spin on an old design? This gallery has designs I’ve done for the CDC, Thomas Built, Marshawn Lynch, and more, as well as some fun spins on classic characters I like.


From one-off gags to full-on graphic novels, I love making comics. Here are a few sample pages from an assortment of projects.

IP Wishlist

Look at all these licensed characters I can draw! Wouldn’t it be cool if someone paid me to do that in an official capacity?


Like most artists, I sketch way more images than I complete, but some of those sketches are pretty cool, so consider this a gallery full of potential.

Lunchbox Doodles

I draw two doodles every day and stick them in my kids’ lunchboxes. These are some of my favs.